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Author: Masaya Ikemoto.

Date of writin: August 2019.

Welcome to the Contextwin's page.


Introduce my currently developing software on this pages.

About memword

memword is built to be a help for users to memorize the meanings and characters combinations.

Below, the appearance of memword.

This program is incomplete but it is work at currently. A source code of memword is being released on github.

This link is a Github repository of memword -> memword.

About cmemword

cmemword is built to be a help for users memorize the meaning and character combinations. this tool implementation use libcurses.

Below, the appearance of cmemword.

This program is incomplete but it is work at currently. A source code of cmemword is being released on github.

This link is a Github repository of cmemword -> cmemword.

About xmeword

The xmemword is built to be a help for users memorize the meaning and character combinations. this tool implementation is use Xlib. This is low level X11 programming.

Below, the appearance of xmemword.

This program is incomplete but it is work at currently. A source code of xmemword is being released on github.

This link is a Github repository of xmemword -> xmemword.

About Slaves

The Slaves is RPG game by SDL2. This is Currently being created.

Below appearance is the menue view of Slaves.

Please see also a below gif, She will adventures the world of Slaves !!.

Information of this game's provider and staff

Provider of the first illust is Kitunei. Twitter: @giterr111

And to link of his poirtfolio is this -> Kitunei's portfolio at Pixiv.

Provider of secondl gif animation is Gabi. Twitter: @goblinmaj

And to link of her portfolio is this -> Gabi's portfolio at Artstation.

This program is incomplete at currently. The source code is being published on github.

This link is a Github repository of Slaves -> Slaves Github repository.

And this link is relation documents of this game making -> Relation documents of Slaves.

We are looking for new staff of this game making -> Looking for staff.

This team name is a Horobinokaze. Would you like to participate? -> About Horobinokaze.

Thank you for viewing!. Please send me a Twitter DM if you have any thoughts or comments.